What yobbo advertising executive is responsible for this shit?

I went to the cinema today with BigSal to see “Married Life” which as a side note was pretty good and not quite as dark as I was expecting.  During the commercials that preceded the film BigSal leaned over to me and said “Grrr.. I hate this commercial!” to which I replied “I haven’t seen it – I don’t watch TV”

So we watch the advertisement and I find that I am absolutely appalled with this commercial.  Who are they trying to flog their tampons to?  Certinaly not me or any of my peers.  It’s not that I find it morally offensive.  I don’t –  I’m not what you’d call a prude and come to think of it  I don’t think I’ve ever been accused of being prudish my entire life.  But I do find it intellectually offensive.  What sort of chicken fucking moron thought that an advert like this would be appealing to today’s consumer conscious woman?  I have NEVER met a women who called her vagina, ‘her Beaver’.  NEVER.  It’s so typically a term that resides in the domain of purile prepubescents or perhaps just  mysogynistic and immature adult males.  I don’t know.  But it’s certainly not a word that comes out with any regularity in my circle of acquaintance.

After seeing this ad I have decided to that I NEVER  want to purchase another Kotex product ever again.  If advertising companies want to hawk their products at me then they need to work harder.  Bring on the witty, clever or sophisticated concepts… not fucking mindless, asinine and downright moronic bullshit like this that seems predominatly aimed at pulling cheap laughs.

It is bad enough that women HAVE to spend money of these sorts of necessary products? (Money that I’m sure most of us would rather spend on nail polish, Magic 8 balls or Fruit Tingles!!!).   Do we really have to put up with this sort of ridiculous insult to our intelligence while we do?

I never thought I’d say this – but bring back the good old days of  the ‘watch how this blue liquid soaks into the sphagnum layer’.  😐

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