Tragedy of Elizabethan* proportions!

What a calamity!  How can we carry on….  It was so quick, so easy, so yummy… so no wonder THEY (it’s always THEM) went and fucked with it.

Grrrr… <insert pouty childish tantrum here>
             ….  I have not been able to find any Old El Paso Guacamole Mix!!!! 

I love my guac and making it from scratch is all fabulous and all, but when you’re in a hurry or when everyone is drunk and/or stoned at festival at -2 at 2am you just can’t go past the Old El Paso Guacamole Mix for a quick guac fix when you’re on the piss…   Only I haven’t seen it on the shelves at the supermarket for a couple of months now.  I have a horrible sinking feeling that they’ve discontinued it.  How could they!  The bastards.  🙁

*  Mexican tragedy just didn’t sound right….. see???

PS – I hate LiveJournal…. last week it posted one entry twice and now because it’s full of Russian gremlins, it has posted my last four entries as private even though I never selected that.  I suppose I should go make a ‘real’ blog at   :S

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