I should be venting about an appointment that I went to today… but I honestly haven’t the energy available to do justice to my topic. Instead… I’m going to participate in some drivel to soothe my addlepated brain before bedtime. Several people have emailed me this meme
Four (obscure) jobs I have had in my life
Dish pig in a Chinese restaurant
‘Cast Member’ at a Disney Store
Wireless Broadband Consultant for Goliath
Santa Photographer
Four movies I’ve watched more than once:
Grosse Point Blank
The Importance of Being Ernest
Dazed and Confused
Much Ado About Nothing
4 places I have lived:
Hervey Bay
Four places I have been:
Isle of Skye, Scotland
Meteora, Greece
Bruny Island, Tasmania
Islamabad, Pakistan
People who e-mail me regularly:
Mr K
Four of my favourite foods:
Fruit TIngles
Sweet corn
Anzac biscuits (chewy ones)
Four places I would rather be right now:
Stradbroke Island, Qld
Cluny Museum Paris
An Isotank
Touring wineries in the Barossa
Things I am looking forward to in the next 12 months:
Another trip to Canberra (prob August)
hmmm – I got nothin’ – Tried the Magic 8 Ball : “Outlook does not look good.”