I was hoping for Number 6 ;)

As per usual, I’m fashionably late to the party.  I know it’s been around for a while, but I’ve only just been working my way through the last three seasons of Battlestar Gallactica – reason?  Well because I normally hate science fiction shows and stuff set in space tends to have lots of… well lots of frackin’ aliens and concepts I find it hard to buy into.   I have no idea why some sci-fi stuff appeals and other stuff doesn’t but I loved Firefly and am really enjoying BSG atm.

I will have to learn to take Sir_Phil’s advice when he tells me which sci-fi shows to watch… .he seems to have my tastes down pat 🙂


You scored as Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck)You are the best damn Viper pilot in the fleet, so everyone else can just frack off. They need you, not the other way around. Maybe if you keep pushing people away they won’t get close, because that is scary and it hurts. Oh yes, and anyone who has a problem with you being a woman needs to just get over it.

Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck)
Dr Gaius Baltar
CPO Galen Tyrol
Col. Saul Tigh
President Laura Roslin
Number 6
Tom Zarek
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo)
Commander William Adama
Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer)

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