So this is what it feels like.

I can’t believe it’s midway through April already.  What’s happened to the last few months, it feels like we were just having Christmas like a week ago… and I think I can safely say that the drugs aren’t helping in the whole ‘when, where, who, what?’ feeling I’ve been getting lately.  My back is ramping up again,  I think because I’m not sleeping so well.

A few weeks ago, the Valium was just knocking me out and I was finding it hard to get out of bed at 8.30-9.00am each morning, now it’s not even keeping me asleep through the pain and my back is waking me up around 6-6.30am and I’m not able to get back to sleep.  I think I must be getting used to them and I’m tempted to up my dose, but something tells me that this would be a slippery slope to start on.

URGH.  I am in so much pain I can hardly think straight and I’m soooo cranky, combative and pugilistic… someone need only poke me atm and I think I’d go RAH all over them  🙁 

No sleep = Unhappy Borys.

Bee count:
90 down … 64 to go.

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