
The Small Child seems to have inherited his mothers slightly obsessive compulsive tendencies.  I like to think of it as ‘focused and determined’ … but in truth it’s probably a mild case of undiagnosed OCD.  I have a habit of getting hold of a thing/concept/desire or whatever and once it’s in my head as something I want to do/create/have it’s become all that I can think about.

I’m pretty sure this makes me an incessantly nagging daughter/sister/wife/mother but I’m not sure that there’s anything that can be done about it and to be frank, I not sure I want to do away with that particular character trait (flaw?) in myself or in the Small Child.  The single mindedness of purpose can serve you well when it comes to achieving what you want or need in this world, and yet I know it can be really humbling when you’ve set yourself targets that are outside your sphere of control … like IVF.

Shrug… either way, he’s got it too and it shows in the way his becomes fixated on things and then his fixations hop about.  First we were into Bob the Builder, then it was Spiderman all the way, for a bit there it was Transformers that topped his obsessions and then after that was Ninja Turtles. 

But his newest obsession seems to be Pokemon (they always remind me of Ling Ling from Drawn Together) and I’m aware that the objects of his desire hops about according to whatever his little friends are into and I think he’s going to unfortunately want to keep up with the Jones’ for way too much of his young life….

Bee count:
64 down …90 to go.

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