Grace invaders!

Amok! Amok! Amok! Amok!!  Someone please remind me to ask them over the day BEFORE the cleaner comes, not the day AFTER.

Monday’s child is fair of face

Tuesday’s child is full of grace
Wednesday’s child is full of woe
Thursday’s child has far to go
Friday’s child is loving and giving
Saturday’s child works hard for a living
But the child that is born on the Sabbath day
is Blithe and  bonny, good and gay…. apparently!

I had a houseful of children this morning and most of the were Tuesday children….. or so their mothers assured me.

‘Full of grace’ my arse!  One knocked a bottle of wine off the wine rack (luckily it did not smash), another spent most of her visit jumping on the couch (despite several entreaties on my part for her to refrain from doing so), another spent several minutes smacking my coffee table about with a Transformer (though I know not what offense the coffee table may have offered) and yet another, God bless her cotton socks, upchucked on my Turkish rug!  The same Turkish rug her brother peed on when last they came to visit!
Come to think of it… I’m a Tuesday too… obviously came a day early!   :S

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