…. there’s filthy smokers.
I can smell smoke in my house today. Could be Jack who had a cigarette after he finished work right outside the open front door – but that was several hours ago. Could be the neighbours sitting under their patio – but I don’t think there’s any breeze coming that way. Could be the counsel workers out the back – but I can’t see anyone back there at the moment. Could be just the fact that I’ve got some windows open for the first time in months since it’s finally cool enough to have the AC turned off.
Whatever. I think my sensitivity to cigarette smoke has actually increased since all the anti-smoking laws came into effect in Qld – no smoking in restaurants, bars, clubs, shopping centres and they even have to be 4 meters away from any entrance to a public building so we’ve been less and less exposed to it now. I can’t stand it. I’ve got no idea how I smoked for nearly 10 years myself and now I find it so abhorrent that the teeniest whiff of cigarette smoke in my house has me wanting to drown the air with vanilla incense or something.
