Sigh.. I’m tired and I want to go home.

The short term memory lapse thing is getting really fucking annoying:

I’m finding receipts for things I don’t remember buying. 
I’m having conversations with people that I’ve apparently already had.
I’m forgetting where I’ve put things.
I’m unable to remember who I’ve told what news lately.
I’m getting emails confirming online purchases.

I’m having problems making decisions, figuring out what to have for dinner seems to take a monumental effort let alone trying to figure out what sort of car I should buy.  I am making plans and then almost immediately wishing I hadn’t.  I am feeling frequently overwhelmed by the most. fucking. stupid. little. things…. and many things that I would normally negotiate with ease (Self affirmation from BigSal circa 1991 – “I am graceful and can navigate difficult obstacles with ease”…. I want to be dainty!) seem insurmountable at present.

I don’t want to leave the house to go see people… which is causing me more grief since some people aren’t very understanding of my wishing to avoid certain situations and things – like driving, social activities and well… dealing with other… humans.  It is taking most of my waking efforts to hold my shit together and I often feel like I just don’t have the necessary energy required to do so for others at the moment.

On top of this I am tired of feeling anxious and edgy all the time.  I’ve been fidgeting with my feet and chewing on my bottom lip for reasons beyond my understanding. 

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