Pull my finger….!!!

I detest fart jokes, toilet humour, scat quips and amusement gleaned from bodily functions in general I guess.  Anyone who knows me is aware that this sort of attempt at humour is usually greeted with a stoic rejoinder about how fart jokes are an attempt to amuse the uneducated, unintelligent and unimaginative lowest common denominator amongst us. 

I honestly don’t know what people find so amusing in the releasing of gas, urine, excrement, snot, phlegm, ear wax from the human body!  I have no idea why it’s supposed to be funny.  Cum…. well that’s another story altogether.  I  remember laughing uproariously on one occasion and damned near turned purple and apoplectic at a girlfriend relating how she turned her head to sneeze at an inopportune moment in the bedroom and accidentally copped a load in her ear!  But that was more about bedroom misadventure and a romantic interlude gone awry than the actual ejaculate itself.

What was I talking about again?  Oh yes.  Fart jokes… positively hate them and if I could I’d legislate against such things as being detrimental to the mental health of the community or at the very least advise they be keep out of modern media and popular culture and relegated to ‘things one may do behind closed doors in the privacy of their own homes where they won’t scare the horses’.

So imagine my delight and astonishment when I finally found a fart joke that tickled my fancy 🙂


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