It’s moments like these – you need guacamole!

Day Ten….. Last day of Pain Clinic

Strangest thing happened today… it was the last day of our Pain Clinic program and everyone was saying how sad they were to be parting and promises were being made to keep in touch with one another etc etc.   Not strange says you?  Well I thought it was strange…  fekkin’ weirdos.

I mean WTF? We’ve known each other for barely three weeks and of that only spent 10 days in each other’s company. Do I have any intention of keeping touch with these people?   I dunno.  Can’t think of any reason off the top of my head to do so. Even Tracey Shoulders whom I had an altercation with on Wednesday (just read back through that – God I’m such a bitch) was getting all sentimental about never seeing me again… where as I couldn’t wait to see the back of her.  She even gave me a card and a farewell gift 😐  Though what prompted her to do so is beyond me?!?!?   I didn’t even know you could get cards like this –

“Healing is a journey
with a pace it’s very own.

It won’t be rushed or hurried.
It knows what’s right
for you alone.”

Wishing you
all the patience
and strength you need
as you make your way
to wellness once again.

Ahhhhuh…  But soft!  What mush through yonder card breaks?  I suppose “Get well soon” mustn’t have enough triple word scores in it for the Hallmark people so it ends up extrapolated into this sort of nonsense.  And as if that weren’t gooey enough… then she added her own special saccharin to it….

Dear Borys
I picked up this card and I thought of you immediately as you have had to struggle with yourself for so long, the pain, emotions, feelings it affects us all in different ways.  You are a very strong person I could see that in you and also determined. Life throws alot of different and sometimes difficult obstacles at us but sometimes too much, hopefully things will change as you are a strong, caring, beautiful woman. I do wish and hope life will be easier for you after the program as I will be thinking of you at times. An experience and a friend I will never forget. Take Care.
Tracey Shoulders*

Okay  😐  Seeing as how I thought she was a loud, obnoxious, unsophisticated and unintelligent sort of creature, I have no idea why she sent this my way.  I can only conclude she compiled the gift/card thing before the aforementioned ‘incident’.

*took monumental effort to type that out verbatim…
had to fight the urge to correct it.


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