On the weekend I put two things (well several actually but only two that are under discussion here) on the grocery list… marshmallows so I can make a hot chocolate or two while this wet weather keeps up… and snakes – because you can’t get a Frozen Coke at 1am no matter how much cajoling, verbal abuse and/or promises of sexual favours are proffered. The marshmallows came home in the shopping without any noteworthy incident, but what on earth happened to my snakes? In all fairness I guess they came home too… but in all honesty what came home was some pathetic and miserable, piss poor, diluted version of that small felicity that is… the lolly snake.
What sort of misguided and ill advised attempt at healthy shopping causes someone to bring home ‘all natural’ (and I use the term loosely) lolly snakes that are artificial colour and artifical flavour free? Dammit but it’s the artificial colours and flavors that make the little buggers worth eating! Soooo not happy with my wash. 😐
PS – If I weren’t railing against the injustice of having been delivered the most bland snakes available at the market for ready money, then I’d have to be here ranting about the WorkCover Nazis again who seem determined to see how much they can poke Borys before she pops like a piñata…

….. but as those who truly know me can attest – I’m ever a silver lining and cup is half-full sort of gal (scoff)… so at least when my head does explode like a piñata, it’d be filled with 99.9%fat free snakes with no artificial colours or flavours. 🙁