Happy pills my arse.

Why is it that some pills come in bottles and others come in those funny plastic and foil ‘blister’ packs?   I hate those fucking blister pack things.  You’ve gotta use your fingernail to pop the tablet out through the foil and if pill is actually some stupid little gel capsule like Tramal then half the time the amount of pressure needed to pop the tablet out will smoosh the damn capsule.  One other time I had a pill that was in a blister pack that was so hard to pop out that the bloody tablet was crushed to pieces by the time you got it out and I found myself trying to use as Swiss Army knife to cut them damn things out rather than pulverize the stupid little things (is a fine statement of my state of mind that I can’t remember what those pills were).

Why can’t we just get all our prescriptions dispensed in nice polite little bottles… preferably with child proof caps but no so child proof as to also be non-age-specific-diminished-grip-strength proof as well.  There’s something infinitely more sensible about being able to shake the requisite number of required pills out of a clearly marked bottle onto one’s palm compared to fighting with a stupid blister pack for ten minutes hoping it’ll surrender it’s contents undamaged.


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