“Oh Bugger” said Pooh

And the pain, pain, pain comes down, down, down
such crushing dreadful feelings
And the pain sweeps all right through my spine
and creeps into my dreamings

Poor Borys she was frightened
And in quite a rightful plight
And so in desperation
More tablets she did bite
She crawled into the bottles
and they drugged her out of sight

And the pain, pain, pain comes down, down, down
As Borys started flailing
She was unaware o’er top her prayer
While flailing she was failing

And the pain, pain, pain comes down down down
And the aches and spasms are fuckers
Borys was caught and so she thought
I must rescue my uppers

Ten pain killers she rescued
Enough to see her through
But as she downs her tablets
the worse the pain just grew…

And the pills just twirl and toss her, making brains all full of goo.

And the pain, pain, pain comes down, down down…..
and it seems never ending.


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