It calms down a bit and then before you know it comes back again… bigger and badder than before. I was kinda complacent last night… calm, quiet, my back not too hideous. Could be the appointment with the specialist gave me some confidence that help might be on its way or could (more likely) be the Ordine/Valium/Endep night cap I had last night. Ultimately the how and why of that is neither here nor there. I awoke this morning in severe pain… and I mean severe. I could not roll over (I think I slept on my back in the one position all night) I could not lift the covers off me. I could not get out of bed unassisted. I had tears rolling down my cheeks and I reached immediately for some pain killers. It was bad… really bad. Pain just seemed to be assailing my every movement, and bits of me I didn’t even know I had were screaming out in pain.
The hard bit though was Mr K is out of town, so I had to try and get Angel dressed and fed and packed and ready for school though it was all I could do to stop crying! Managed to get the Small Child squared away for the day and decided the best thing for me today was a reminder that things can always get worse! So I’ve been indulging in a day of watching Shakespearean tragedies, and thanking my lucky stars I didn’t marry Othello or have a brother like Richard III.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll move onto Romeo and Juliet and Branagh’s Hamlet. More distraction therapy for the people….
