I went to see yet another specialist today…. I think this makes 43 since my back pain began after the first accident back in 1991. This time a very well known and widely respected neurosurgeon who specializes in pain medicine. Anyway he was very methodical and seeming thorough compared to some of the doctors I have seen in the past. I’ve often gotten the impression that half the physicians I’ve been to simply don’t know what to do with someone with my convoluted history of repeated back injuries that hasn’t ever responded so great to various treatments.
He put me through my paces – bend here, poke there, prod this, twist that. Answer the never ending questions about where and when it hurts and what sort of restrictions I have, medications I take and treatments I’ve endured…. and it certainly starts to feel like you’re being looked over by a potential purchaser :S
I had been looking forward to this appointment… I think I have pinned quite a lot of hope on this poor encounter. Hope for treatment options, hope for rehabilitation solutions, hope for pain relief… however small in measure. And while it’s early days yet, I am still hopeful that the pain management clinic he runs will be able to offer me something by way of useful solutions and (dare I be so optimistic) some tangible results.
Time will tell.
