Alcohol+Valium+Sleep= Weird Arse Dreams

l had another bizarro dream last night.  LIkely drug induced :S

I was on a boat or in a vessel of some sort that capsized – could have been a submarine (can submarines capsize???).  There were a couple of other people, though I don’t remember who they were and for some strange reason we could talk/communicate underwater.  The situation felt rather panicked, which is natural I guess if you’re trapped under water, and we were screaming at each other about what we were going to do when we ran out of air.  Somehow we reached the decision to make a swim for it to the ‘Inaccessible Island’ but I was aware that that was no such place.

We all scrambled out from our capsized boat/floundering submarine and started to swim and the water was freezing and there was ice everywhere as though we were under polar ice caps or underneath an enormous iceberg or something.  I saw a polar bear swimming underwater also…. he left us alone even though I remember being aware that he could well, harm/kill/eat us if he wanted to.  Strangely we were still able to talk to each other underwater and we were swimming for our lives.  Someone was leading us to the ‘Inaccessible Island’ which wasn’t an island at all…. I had a sense we were swimming for an air pocket trapped underneath the ice where we would be able to breathe until we could be rescued.  We made it to the air and I recall bursting out of the water and grasping for air. 

And then I woke up.

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