Duly noted for future reference.

Urgh!  What a day.  I’ve been moping around the house all day feeling rather sore and more than a little bit seedy.  I’m fairly confident that the ‘seedy’ bit was precipitated by an ill advised evening cocktail that started with a couple of Tramadol and half a bottle of red wine and finished with three… maybe four cups of port and a Valium chaser.  I think it’s also fairly safe to say that the aforementioned soreness results from sleeping the deep motionless and REM-less sleep of the well and truly trashed.  :S

Alas, even with more than the daily recommended dose of perception altering substances under my belt, I manage barely 5  or so hours of sleep and awoke to dry mouthedness (from the Endep), headachy (no doubt from the alcohol), so stiff I couldn’t stand up straight (from being too still all night) and slightly dopey (from the Valium).  After forcing myself into an upright position, I hobbled to the kitchen to get a heat pack and a cup of tea only to find the floor disgustingly sticky from an incident involving a less than steady Borys, a bottle of V and the tiled kitchen floor.  🙁

And that kinda set the tone for the day really….

So with none to blame but myself for my Big Day O’ Blah which even a Big Yellow Dim Sim couldn’t cure, I’ve made a resolution to lay off the meds should I decide in future to use the time honored method of drowning one’s pain with alcohol.   But I guess it’s worth noting that I’ve never made a resolution yet that I’ve managed to keep for any length of time.

Unless you count my long standing resolution to draw the line at goats…  that one I’ve never had trouble sticking to.

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