Is Ahmets… is good.

Dragged the family out for dinner last night and seeing how it was my birthday and I was the instigator for this particular dining expedition – we went for Turkish at Ahmets in Balmoral.  The place has obviously built quite a reputation of late. Last time we were there the place was half empty and it was a quiet laid back sort of ambiance which didn’t resemble last night’s dining experience at all, as the place was packed and had people milling around out front waiting for a table, the wait staff were hustling and a belly dancing chickie rocked up at some point wearing more pink than I would have though humanly possible for someone so scantily clad, (Angel was entranced by her… pretty girl, voluptuous figure, plenty of bling and man did she have the moves!) 

The restaurant has all the trappings of a genuine Turkish restaurant except for the chairs and cushions in the place.  They’ve gone for the backless stools and benches for a lot of the tables and they’re all covered in garish Turkish patterned fabrics rather than old woven Turkish rugs as you would find in Turkey,  Probably  little easier to wash and wear no doubt and a helluva lot cheaper than importing those massive rug covered cushions we saw everywhere in Turkey. 

The food was excellent and resembled many of our dining experiences in Turkey but for one small difference…. the prices of course.  I had the Iskender kebap and when I was in Turkey that dish usually cost between 6-9 YTL (which was about 1:1 YTLs for AUS$) and last nights Iskender was AUS$22.50.  

All up it was a great night out, loads of fun.

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