Maybe …. hey, it’s my blog and I can pretend that it’s not definite… ahem…. Maybe I’m just a cranky old bitch or maybe it’s cos I’ve been trying to lay off the analgesics or maybe its cos I gave my car back to the smash repair dudes along with a ‘I’m not fucking happy Jan’ which has left me stuck in the house all day .., but everything seems to be annoying me today.
The smell of the dreaded coffee machine seems as objectionable as a dirty ashtray. The mess in Angel’s room isn’t the sign of a creative young mind it’s a deliberate ploy from an unusually Machiavellian six year old to trigger my OCD tendencies. BigSal using the last of the milk and then putting the empty bottle back in the fridge wasn’t an absentminded habit, it was a conscious effort to sabotage my desire for an afternoon cuppa. Yale setting his PDA to mimic the TV remote and using it to fuck with the TV isn’t indicative of his gadgetry skills, it’s a predetermined attempt to make me twitch 🙁
The world is against me today – I’m sure of it. I’m in pain (whoop de do – what else is new) and I’m avoiding taking any medication because it’s been having detrimental effects on my system. Now, normally I don’t like to share stories about bodily functions because I just don’t think it’s particularly ladylike to share that sort of thing. Additionally, I don’t tend to find a great deal of amusement myself in toilet humour – call me a snob but there it is. Anyway the drugs aren’t good and its starting to get beyond a joke 🙁 Take Drug Number One to try to alleviate back pain. Discover that Drug Number One has unwanted effect on one’s… regularity. Take Drug Number Two to try and alleviate side effects of Drug Number One. Find Drug Number Two is too effective and instead of wondering when you’re going to go… you’re wondering if you’re going to make it in time, Stop taking Drug Number Two and realise you’re in trouble if you take Drug Number One.
Urgh… the panacea is worse than the… oh fuck it.