All the small things.

I feel awful today maybe because I didn’t sleep so good last night.  Okay, no ‘mabye’ about it…. I KNOW I slept poorly,  I took some Valium before bed which normally works pretty good but tends to cause the occasional nightmare and I had one last night,  I dreamt that Mr K was standing over me and for some reason his presence was truly menacing and I woke up screaming.  Not good.  I went to the Physical Torture session also known as Physiotherapy and have come away feeling worse than when I went in!  So I’ve come home, had some morphine and a cup of tea and my back is still driving me cray-hay-haze-ee and I need new sh-hoo-hews! 

It’s all the little things that become insurmountably difficult when you’ve got back pain…

  • like putting your arms up to brush your hair
  • bending over to step into your pants
  • leaning over to check the mailbox
  • reaching up to press the garage door button
  • folding up a blanket
  • carrying parcels out shopping
  • getting in and out of the car
  • pushing the grocery trolley
  • stirring a pot on the stove
  • reaching up to turn on the Media PC
  • stretching to wipe down the kitchen  table
  • twisting to shoulder check when driving

and when these sorts of simple things cause you pain it’s no wonder that things like cleaning the bathroom, hanging out laundry and vacuuming are way out of the realm of possibility.  🙁  I just want to wake up one morning and feel no pain.  Just once … is that too much to ask.


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