Happy Birthday Dad… where ever you are.

Today was my father’s birthday, or at least it would have been….. now the truth here is that I rarely think about my father now he’s gone, and when I do, I’m momentarily sad about the way in which he died and the fact that my Mum is now on her own, but for the most part his absence doesn’t affect me that much on a day to day basis (which in itself is really sad).  Whereas my Mum is understandably depressed.  All the time.  Still.  She seems okay most of the time, but you barely have to scratch the surface and the tears come rather quickly.  I’ve never been considered overly sentimental in general, but I had fully expected that I should have been more affected by my own father’s death than I actually have been.  :S

Anyway, I’m off topic (as per usual)… in an effort to keep Mum’s mind off the fact that it was Dad’s birthday and to ensure she didn’t spend the day moping around feeling depressed, BigSal and I arranged to take her out to lunch and then dragged her off to a silly movie.  Which seems to have done the trick.  She was a little quiet this morning when I first went round to pick her up, but by tonight she seemed calmer and happier… in part I think because it’s hard to remain maudlin with Angel jumping all over you demanding cuddles and slurping icecream all over the place and doing all sorts of normal hyper six year old things. 

Now just Christmas to navigate…

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