
Yesterday afternoon, I had the misfortune to be subjected to a movie called Idiocracy. I thought it was one of the worst movies I have ever suffered through.  While I understand the satirical nature of the film which centres around the dumbing down of Americans.  Personally I think the frequent toilet humour is so vapid and banal that I actually found myself drawn to going to fold laundry in preference to wading through it.  To my dismay after that small task was accomplished, I returned to the living room to find the asinine offering was still running, and I fervently wished for a forgotten root canal appointment or something to present itself to take me away from the utter pedestrian nonsense that was emitting from my television.  In the absence of any such intellect saving invasive dental surgery, I did the next best thing and promptly popped a Valium and attempted to sleep through the remainder of the platitudinous drivel.

Reader’s digest version – I prefer my satirical social commentary with fewer fart jokes.  So, for me,  this movie sucks blue cheese smelling ass, but by all means, see this film if you have the IQ points to spare for I guarantee that you’ll loose a few just by having been in the same room as this absolute crap of a movie.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen a film so entirely unappealing, unstimulating, uninspiring and unengaging to me since Dude Where’s My Car (which I have tried to watch several times as many of my friends seem to love it – but always end up abandoning when the aliens appear)  but who knows… perhaps it would improve with less back pain, less Valium and half a bottle of vodka under your belt…..


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