I’m headed for the funny pharm….aceuticals.

A little bit of Mogadon in my life
A little bit of Tramadol by my side
A little bit of Codeine is all I need
A little bit of Diazepam is what I see
A little bit of Prednisone in the sun
A little bit of Temaze all night long
A little bit of Digesic here I am
A little bit of fucked attention span….

Over the last couple of weeks, a I’ve been getting more and more of those conversations that have a… ‘we already talked about this’ type statement in them.  I’m hearing things, talking to people and it is going in one ear and out t’other.  One of the downsides of taking large doses of stuff what makes you really dopey.  I don’t like taking lots of medication, and I try to avoid it.  “Drug free is the way to be” and all that… but it’s damn near impossible when you’re in a lot of pain and you’re so desperate for some relief or some sleep that you’ll try anything.

So on my bedside table with my copy of Aesop’s fables, bedside lamp, my All the King’s Women, my lipbalm, my hairbrush, my mini iPod speakers and my ka-dounk is my drug stash.  Which includes, but is not limited to… Digesic, Panadeine Forte, Mersyndol Forte, Nurofen Plus, Voltaren Rapid, Solone, Antenex, Mogodon.  And then there’s the stuff they give you to counter act the stuff.  Durolax in case you get bound up from the Codeine and Endep because most of those others are depressives…. and who knows what else they’ll end up giving me as side effects become more apparent.

Worst side effect I ever had from medication was the Mouse Tails that I used to get from the IVF drugs … nothing quite like being unable to see the edges of surfaces or seeing things in quadruplicate as they pass through your field of vision.  Sure hope I don’t get anything like that again.

Tell me what you think