Other people’s kids…

I know I said it’s okay…
 I know I said ‘accidents happen’….
  I know I said ‘it’s not you fault’…
   I know I said ‘it’s just one of those things…
    I know I said ‘don’t worry about it’…

BUT…. ararararararararararararararararghghghghghghghghghghghgh!

Poo!  Bum!  Piss!  Fart!  Crap!  Shit!  Damn!  Wanker!  Bastard!  Prick!  Fuckwit!  Dumbass!  Bloody hell!  Knucklehead!  Stupid!  Asshole! Fucker! Shit!  Goddammitt I already said that!  Grrrrrrrr!  Fuck!  Fuck!  Fuck!  Fuck!  Fuck!  Fuckety fuck fuck fuck!

My nephew, god bless the little darling, pissed his pants.  Not a big deal ordinarily, little kids have accidents when they’re learning to use to toilet, but … he was playing trains on my new turkish rug at the time.  Not happy Jan…..    🙁

Reminds me of the time we’d just bought our townhouse and newly furnished it, had a lovely new couch that was a gift from the outlaws, and my sister was feeding her newborn bub on my nice new couch, when the little rotter did a big sloppy shit that slid out the side of her nappy and all over my brand new couch which had been delivered the week before.  Nice runny yellow babyshit colour it was too. 

And now I have piss on my Turkish rug  🙁  … thank god it wasn’t the really good one.

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