I want to hug him and squeeze him and call him Muhammad!

It was bound to happen, and I cant believe it took me so long to stumble on it, especially seeing that I’ve been doing nothing but cruise the internets all week, while slothing about in pain on my heat pack.  Here’s ’tis… THE Christmas gift of ’07…

teddy bear muhammed

If you’re Big Sal, have been living under a rock, are intellectually impaired, or just North American and only get Fox News and are therefore not actually  aware that there’s… you know… other countries out there, then the BBC has a series of articles that chronologically outline how Muhammed was fast becoming a more famous bear than Pooh.  This situation has seemed singularly lacking in any common sense from the get go …. lack of common sense from the teacher, lack of common sense from the parents, lack of common sense from the judiciary and so on and so forth up the food chain.  Having visited a predominantly Muslim country earlier this year and having experienced the fervour with which they adhere to their religion and traditions, it is not hard to see how this escalated.  When you’re in someone else’s country – you just don’t mess with their customs.  Period.

teddy bear muhammed 2


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