Wouldn’t it be good to live in your shoes….

Blergh.  Blergh and double Blergh.  😐

I am sitting here, on the couch, on the heat pack, feeling rather like I imagine a toad might feel after a more than ordinarily vigorous round of vicious backyard shennanigans involving nasty children with cricket bats and golf clubs.  Without putting too fine a point on it – I am rooted.

I’m tossing an turning all night in pain, have been waking up in pain, spending my day in pain and then going to sleep again in pain.  And it’s worse when I have to drive somewhere… because then I have to avoid taking any drugs  because they leave me feeling like a feeble minded monkey that’s been in one too many science experiments and whose sole awareness consist of people talking at it as though they’re underwater and a vague sensation that one’s limbs are too heavy for one’s body.

I’m so sick of thinking about it, but finding it excessively difficult to think about anything else. … especially when it ends up taking over your entire day.  Yesterday….  off to the GP, over to work to drop in a medical certificate, arrange to fax a copy of same to work cover people,  go down to the pharmacy to refill pain medication prescription, call around to make appointments for a CT scan and for an orthopaedic surgeon and also chase up insurance company to see what is happening to my car.  Today…  go to god awful torture session of a physio appointment,  arrange extension on rental loaner vehicle, go to appointment for CT scan, supply doctor with claim number, confirm fax gone to work cover people and yada yada yada… never ending list of BS to deal with.

…. even if it was for just one day.

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