How very curious, George!

borysSNORC ™: ummm…
borysSNORC ™: i want ….
borysSNORC ™: to hug you and squeeze you and call you george
yaleman: well, come on over then 🙂
borysSNORC ™: then i’d have to get off this heat pack 🙁
yaleman: there’s a five dollar delivery fee
borysSNORC ™: ouch
borysSNORC ™: i cant afford that 🙁
yaleman: sorry ma’am, I can’t remove it, it’s company policy
borysSNORC ™: what company?
borysSNORC ™: present company?
yaleman: you could get our package that doesn’t include the calling of george and it’ll save you some money
borysSNORC ™: oh really?
borysSNORC ™: what’s the current george-less rate?
yaleman: it’s five dollars less so you can have the delivery for your normal price
borysSNORC ™: done!

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