O-O-O … OMG you fuckin’ idiots

Straight after the accident yesterday I called OOO to see if they needed to send out a cop to write up a traffic incident report…. and I was kinda hoping that the dumb bitch who ran up my arse would get some sort of fine for negligent driving or following too close or something – anything really.  The stupid emergency call centre operator transferred me to what I assumed was my local station, where I was advised that they didn’t need to send anyone out unless there was someone seriously injured , so I could go to my local police station in the morning and make a report then….. and I stupidly believed them.

So when I went to go make said Police Report this morning, imagine my surprise when the cop there told me I should have called in last night and someone should have attended the scene to make a report.  😐   Damn and botheration.  Now I dont really give a shit, except that I’ve woken up excessively stiff and sore and are about to make the rounds to the quack and probably eventually physios etc, and I have a sneaking suspicion that the insurance companies aren’t really going to want to slug it out over the medical bills without that police report having been lodge all correct like.

Rest the physio said…. a-huh.  Right after I go to the police station and get the run around, try to track down crazy bitch who crashed into me for more details, harrass my insurance company to lodge a claim, go down to smash repairs to get personal stuff out of my vehicle, harrass the other insurance company over a replacement rental car, go to work to make sure things dont fall apart there, go to physio, try and look into Work Cover stuff, go to the GP for medical certificates, go to rental car office to pick up temporary vehicle, go get Angel from school, go to pharmacy to get more drugs… then go home and fall into quibbering mess.

I am sooooo sick and tired of this shit…. As if having experienced chronic back pain for THE LAST SIXTEEN YEARS OF MY LIFE wasn’t bad enough, I feel today like I am back to square one.  Stiff, unable to touch my head properly or reach up and get stuff out of the cupboard.  I’m so stiff that I can’t bend over to do up my shoes and abandoned putting on sneakers yesterday.  And worst of all – I’ve got pains in ankles and lower legs, and in my wrists and forearms, and a strange acute pain in my left foot when I walk.  I’ve never had pain in my extremities before, and right now – typing this is hurting my arms, so I probably shouldn’t be doing it. 

I need help.  I need someone to deal with my car, the insurance company and the work cover people.  I need better drugs.  I need someone to take over my work.  I need a new heatpack.  I need new shoes!  πŸ™

Tell me what you think