
Things at my work have are fun at the moment! 
Fun with a capital fucking “F” !!! 

Today my … drumroll please… my Manager resigned.

Which would normally cause a little consternation about who our new boss is going to end up being – but as it is….this comes hot on the heels of MadMark, one of our Account Managers, resigning last Thursday…. which closely followed another Account Manager, KrazyKylie announcing that she is going to be moving to Mackay in about four weeks…. which works out to be roughly the same time frame Snr Account Manager, ClassyClare is scheduled to go on mat leave… which coincidentally was echoed by another Snr Account Manager, my Team Leader, JazzyJenny announcing earlier this week that she was up the duff too …

Oh and yeah, I almost forgot – another Account Manager – AmbivalentAngela was fired on Monday while I was out of the office.  

So lets see… out of our little branch of eleven… six are leaving between now and mid Nov.  Yay for that!  I’ve been there for nearly a month and a half and am looking like being one of the old timers already!  😐

Hmmm….for reasons that evade me not at all…. I seem unable to shake imagery of rats and sinking ships from my minds eye….

God… someone hand me the classifieds!


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