Didn’t we have a lovely time the day we went to….

the Bloo Mountains!!!  Okay – doesn’t rhyme with Bangor – but it’s all I got.

We got up bright and early – brighter and earlier then one might prefer when on a break, but so be it – and went down to Dee Why beach front for some brekkie in a cool little cafe (the name of which escapes me) before driving out to the Bloo Mountains to have a look-see and spend the night at a pretty little B&B called Hurlstone.  Driving in Sydney is always a bit of a challenge – mostly cos I have no idea where I am going, and drivers there seem to feel the need to race off from the lights constantly – even if they can see the next red light in front of them – weird.   Anyway the drive was well worth it – Leura is a quaint little town all geared up for the tourists and reminds me of Montville.  Lots of crafty little shops – all that shabby chic nonsense, but also loaded with cool little gourmet delis and woodworking shops and excellent cafes etc.

We had dinner tonight at a cute little restaurant in Leura called the Post Office Restaurant – which as the name suggests was built in the old Post Office.  Bluddy Mary had a very unusual chicken dish – breast marinated in bourbon with a red wine and mustard sauce, which I had a tiny taste of, and immediately wished I had ordered! 🙂  We had a fun night full of reminiscing about our European Grand Tour way back in ’95 and also spurred on by the interesting artworks by Tanya Loviz that decorated the walls.

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