I still have my Wet Haddock of Impertinence.

 I’ve been a bit down on the SCA since my Crux days.  It was a job I never wanted.  I was kinda ‘volunteered’ for the job and to inherit that partiuclar office when it was in as much disarray as that was…. well, it doesn’t bear thinking about.  It was a full on nightmare, that took me about 10 months to wrestle back under control under difficult circumstances (by difficult circumstances, read- with dozens of nazi-herald types looking over your shoulder, nit picking on every little thing).  The SCA is supposed to be fun, but when  you find yourself in situations like that one, simply due to the lack of willing and knowledgeable applicants, then it suddenly ceases to be fun.    Shrug… the old saying is true.. you get what you pay for and this is never more true than when you’re dealing with volunteers.    I came away from the thankless mess saying ‘never again’ …. only to pick up another SCA mess, in the form of a truck accident, this time.

I’d like to be able to get stuck into making some seriously cool medieval ‘stuff’ again… one of these days.


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