People are strange… but robots would be stranger.

strange  (strānj) 
adj.   strang·er, strang·est

  1. Not previously known; unfamiliar.
    1. Out of the ordinary; unusual or striking.
    2. Differing from the normal.
    3. Reserved in manner; distant.
    4. Not comfortable or at ease; constrained.
  2. Not of one’s own or a particular locality, environment, or kind; exotic.
    1. Reserved in manner; distant.
    2. Not comfortable or at ease; constrained.
  3. Not accustomed or conditioned: She was strange to her new duties.
  4. Archaic Of, relating to, or characteristic of another place or part of the world; foreign.

I got called strange today…. and I’m somewhat uncertain as to whether or not one ought be insulted for being called ‘strange’.  Naturally, I don’t think I’m strange… well, no more strange than most of my neighbours, all of whom have their own individual little idiosyncrasies which  I guess could count as points of strangeness from the norm.   But then that begs the question about where the norm lies?  And who’s to say what defines the norm?   And so on and so forth (long winded mental tangent deleted for sanity’s sake).     The more I think about it, ‘strange’ becomes such an awkward term with too many meanings yet none specific enough.


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