Bathroom etiquette

Why do people insist on talking to you while you’re in the loo?  Cant they just do the polite thing and pretend there’s no one there and then be all civilized again as soon as you leave the dunny?  I hate trying to make small talk – or worse – talk business while I am in the toilet.
I feel totally invaded and violated.  Can I not have just 30 seconds to myself to pee please?  Is that so unreasonable?  Is there ANYTHING on this planet, short of the damn building being on fire that is SO important that it has to be communicated right there and then?  I think not.  So I have compiled a handy list for future reference and am considering posting it on the toilet doors at work
Do not talk to me while I’m in the loo unless – 
A) The house is burning down
B) The small child has swallowed something poisonous
C) My car has being towed and/or sideswiped
D) Kenneth Brannagh or Vin Diesel is outside and wants to meet me
So any of those really, oh and perhaps if Randy Rhoads were to come back from the dead for one last concert, I might want to hear about that.  But…. failing that???? 
Fuck off and leave me in peace!!


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