Baby names…. when you’re on crack!!!

What possess a parent to give a kid a name that will undoubtedly attract ridicule for the term of his natural life? How could they be so cruel. I mean… fair enough if you’re walking through the world called MonkeySpunk and you want to call your kids Razor Moon, Crinkle Anne or Green Snuggle or something. But what gives when you’re born to Dave and Kate and they want to call you Pegasus Eziekiel? Why do people who have these totally normal or traditional names suddenly decided that they want to inflict this very special torture on their kids?

Lately I’ve heard of three people who’ve named kids – Amethyst, Blayde and Alchemy… all girls apparently. As if it’s not hard enough being a kid and being picked on for being too short… or too fat… or too dumb… or too tall… or too smart… or a gazillion other things – these parents must have decided that adversity really is character building so let pile it on early huh?

But this takes the cake… fancy wanting to call a kid 4Real ?!?!

baby name superman 4real uk

These parents must be on crack or something … it’s just plain cruel. So after having their plan to scar the kid for life with the hideous name of 4Real… they settle on their second favourite choice – Superman!

Oh ferfuksake.

Though most alarming thing in this article is the last paragraph …. How is it even remotely appropriate to call a child Satan or Adolf Hitler??? 😐

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