
Feels like it’s been quite busy so far this week, I went to Straddie on Saturday and then worked Sunday and today, so I feel a bit like I didn’t get any down time this past weekend. I’m working days this week, and it feels really really strange to be running out the door at 7am and fighting through peak hour traffic. It has been taking about 15-20mins to get to town over the last month or so of starting work at 3pm or 4pm, so now having to allow over an hour to get to work kinda sucks. I hate being stuck in stop start traffic… and one of the worst things about the morning commute is the necessity of having to flick on some shitty breakfast radio program to hear a traffic report. How amazingly banal is breakfast radio these days??? I realize I haven’t really tuned in for years.. but the 10 mins I copped this morning is more than enough to do me for another few years.

So other than bitching about commuting to work (could be much much worse…. i could be on a BCC bus!!!) I’m busy getting ready for my trip to Turkey this week. I leave next Tuesday. And I’m very excited!!!   But even though I can’t wait to go….. I am starting to think that five weeks away might be a bit too long… I’m going to miss my boys way too much!  🙂


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