More monkeys!

Here’s an interesting new monkey to add to the menagerie…. courtesy of NMdG. Not sure what it is with the monkey obsession these days. but they seem to be everywhere!   He says he has an Evil Monkey persona which he rarely lets out because others often find it ummm…. unpalatable?   So instead gives people the more socially acceptable Diplomacy Monkey version of himself most of the time.   :I

I think I’ve been living with a Diplomacy Monkey on my back my entire life.  I’ve discovered that most of what I have to say and/or think is generally unpalatable to others.   Is it cos I’m more judgmental than most or just cos I simply can’t tolerate people who can’t keep up!   
Err… just read that back… that sounds terrible!!!    If only I had the sense of decency to be ashamed for thinking like that !  :S

my pet!

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