Corny’s Meme

1. Can you cook? 
Yeesss… is this a trick question?

2. What was your dream growing up?
I.wanted to dance!  (actually no i can’t back that up)
3. What talent do you wish you had?
I wish i could disappear

4. Favorite place?
Bed of course
5. Favorite vegetable?
Is avocado a veggie? no?  Then mushrooms or sweetcorn

6. What was the last book you read?
Flashman and the Tiger

7. What zodiac sign are you ?
Capricorn and Metal Pig
8. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings?
3 and 3
9. Worst Habit?
High expectations
10. Do we know each other outside of lj?
Yep, I know you… but not in a biblical sense.
11. What is your favorite sport? to play or watch? 
Watch none – play basketball

12. Negative or Optimistic attitude?
Negative and cynical all over
13. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
Hmm… are the lights on?
14. Worst thing to ever happen to you?
I grew up
15. Tell me one weird fact about you?
Ummm i can spell onomatopoeia?
16. Do u have any pets?
One dog…and does ray count? (he he stole your line)

17. Do u know how to do the macerana?
Proudly no

18. What time is it where u are now?
19. Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
Ditto… scary
20. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
21. Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
Me? conscience? yeah right!
22. What color eyes do you have?
Mostly grey

23. Ever been arrested?
No.. never got around to it

24. If you won $10,000 dollars today, what would you do with it?
New camera, no wait holiday.

25. What kind of bubble gum do you prefer to chew?
Don’t do gum

26. What ‘s your favorite bar to hang at?
Don’t do bars…

27. Do you believe in ghosts?
28. Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
What is this ‘spare time’ you talk of!
*pokes it with stick*
29. Do you swear a lot?
Yep – unashamedly so
30. Biggest pet peeve?
Urgh! too many to count!
31. In one word, how would you describe yourself?

32. Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you?
Nope…. aw…. maybe.

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