Losing the Battle of Cobbler Peg.

There’s a small paved path that goes from my laundry door, past the living room window, to the clothesline.  A small and insignificant little paved path that is of little use and of no particular import in the world at large.  So how did it come to piss me off so badly!??!?!

Answer:  It rained.  Yep.  It finally rained… we’ve been pretty much living in drought for the last few years (since before the paths very existence) and the wee paved path wasn’t a bother for the duration.  It’s been so dry here, that the weeds are struggling to survive, let alone the plants you’re trying to keep alive.  So when it finally started to rain about 6 weeks ago, (co-incidentally about the same time I started working) the weeds have just gone out of control.  So much so, that the path in question is barely discernible under the grasses and cobbler pegs that have sprung up in between the pavers.  I’ve nearly gotten the cobbler pegs under control a few times, but they always come back… as my neighbours aren’t bothered to dig them out on their side of the fence.

I’ve tried a number of different weed killers, and in the past, have spent hours pulling the weeds out, but now I don’t seem to have much time to pull damn weeds, and fairly small amount of motivation to find the time required considering how hot it’s been out there lately.  Every time I look out the living room window, all I can see is cobbler pegs, grasses and weeds growing in the path… and I despair of ever getting rid of them… it’s making me twitch!!!

What to do … what to do…  maybe I’ll just keep the living room curtains shut!  šŸ˜

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