Buttony Banana

Went to the Buttony Cross last night, and it is still my favorite event of the year I think – coming close on it’s heels is the Annual Hunter Valley Wine Tour…errr… I mean Spring War. The BC is always really laid back and fun, with many people doing their best not to be driving home, there is always lots of laughs and plenty of cider etc to go round. This is the first BC where my responsibilities were at an abolute minimum, all I did was take bookings and look after the money! Normally every other BC, I’ve been either running the show, or doing the kitch, or spending hours hanging up banners and putting up tents! So very relaxed and groovy for me this year 🙂 LuckyPhil did a great job playing steward, and handled every obstacle with ease and aplomb – even managed to divert the ‘we have no tables’ crisis admirably well!

Buzz did the brewing this year, and he provided a couple of kegs of cider and stout (yuk!) and I dont know how many rainbow coloured bottles of liqueur. People were well and truly buzzed (pun intended) early in the evening. It was great to see so many old guys come out of the woodwork – even strangers like Darkman and Edmund came along. Love the Buttony Cross – only drawback to the whole event… cos I don’t fight… I’m never gonna get one! 🙂

Interesting tidbit for the night – Gustaveous is coming to Canberra with me for Triple JJJ’s Christmas Clambake! Woo-hoo!

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