Fantasies or lack thereof…

Am I the only person on the planet who doesn’t have a rich and vivid fantasy life? From everything I’ve been reading and from what I observe in just the people around me, everyone seems to fantasize about other people, situations and experiences than what they have.

In the past, whenever I’ve wanted someone, I usually just set about having them. I’ve never pined for situations or experiences or created little dramas in my head. If I ever wanted to try something new, I just went ahead and did it. Having said that, I guess I’ve never felt the need to go for the swinging from the chandeliers kinda stuff…. just seems superfluous to me. I’ve usually been up to trying new things, and have certainly pushed my boundaries out of my comfort zone over the last few years, so much so, that I have had to redefine my likes and dislikes a bit. But I don’t fantasize about things, I don’t fixate of objects, have no real fetishes to speak of and rarely feel like the objects of my desires are taboo or out of reach. Is it because I have so few hang ups? Maybe if I had more secrets? guilt? shame? or furtiveness associated with my sexuality, I would have dirty little fantasies too.

Either way, I am starting to feel like I am really missing out on something here. The people around me are indulging in these intense, powerful and graphic fantasies, while here I am, ‘literally’ just looking on bemused trying to analyze what was driving them rather than being engaged by it all.

Am I boring or just somehow too grounded in reality?

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