Blokenstein Halloween Party

Went to the Blokenstein Halloween party on Saturday night, and had a fantatsic time. Between a group of SCA enthusiasts and a pile of amateur theatre people, I’ve never seen a fancy dress party where everyone got so into the theme. The guys at Blokenstein went to a tonne of trouble doing up their back yard to look like a graveyard, with headstones, a mausoleum and massive stone looking gates around the side of the house.

Darkman and his band did a weird arse set of goth christmas carols- he’d rewritten the lyrics and gothed up the music, very 17thC harpsichord sort of thing. Set the ambiance off nicely 🙂 Everyone was dressed up to the nines – Mr K went as a Fairy Godmother in a hot pink fairy costume, and stood out like dog’s balls all night. Brit-Knee was Paul Stanley, Humbibble went as a Playboy Bunny, Alex – a Mummy complete with straggling bandages. There was a few zombies about, a HellBoy, a ballerina, Maude as Poison Ivy, and loads of ghouls and goths.

I have vague recollections of LP turning up quite late – but I could be wrong, it could well just be my imagination, as my ability to recall details towards the end of the evening gets a little on the fuzzy side!

No inappropriate pants incidents from HdM for a change, and to the best of my knowledge pants remaind ‘in situ’ for the duration. Well done there – that’s gotta be a first!

Here’s a pic that I took on HdM’s camera which I thought captured the evening perfectly 🙂

true blood early

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