Fudge, Fudge, Fudge!

Since I came back from Spring War, HdM has been hanging shit on me for not bringing him back passionfruit fudge. He claims to have asked me nicely to bring him some from the fancy fudge factories (lovely alliteration wouldn’t you say!) in the Hunter Valley.

Well I have no recollections of this particular request! So needless to say I did NOT manage to bring back fudge – passionfruit or otherwise – from the Hunter for HdM. And ferfucksake dont I wish I had? I have been harrassed about The Fudge Oversight ever since.

So today, dragging BigSal, and three little ones along for the ride, we ventured up to Mt Tambourine, which is the closest location to here that has a number of fancy fudge factories. I did acquire the aforementioned passionfruit fudge and will no doubt obtain untold measures of glee in shoving it down HdM’s throat at the dinner party tomorrow night! 🙂


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