Coupla Days

Have been stupidly busy lately – I seem to have just had one of those weeks where I felt run off my feet running errands etc yet end up feeling like I’ve accomplished absolutely nothing!

Spent quite a bit of time chatting with Macca this week, am getting to know him a lot better – if you’re out there Mr Macca, you’ll be glad to know you’re growing on me! And that my originaly opinion of you has risen considerably from the intial impression of ‘drunken immature yobbo’! Yes, you know what I’m talking about….. Festival 2005, someone was waggling their naked arse (actually their naked everything) in the window of the DX pavillion one night, and I can tell you it wasn’t a pretty sight! Way to make a lasting first impression!

What else happened this week? Went Swingin’ on Mon and Thurs nights. There is a strange imbalance in the girl to guy ratio lately – through the 1st and 2nd level blocks, there was 2:1 girls to guys, and now I’ve hit Level 3 the ratios are absolutely reversed, with nearly twice as many leads to follows. Not that I’m complaining mind you – the more blokes the better! Big Bad John wasn’t there so things were a little more sedate this Thurs than we’ve become accustomed to.

Went to lunch with LuckyPhil on Friday, that was fun, we seem to get along like a house on fire these days, which is good – thankfully there appears to be no residual damage from character bashing I must have received from the PHB when he first came to Bris! We were going to go to a movie, but had childminding issues, so we’ve made a raincheck for Monday.

Last night went to the St Floz event, which was fun… had a great night catching up with everyone, and drinking those nasty over strength Smirnoff Double Black things. Miss CL put away an entire bottle of Card-onnay on her little ownsome, so she was in fine form…. I do believe I even saw her on her knees offering LuckyPhil ‘favours’ at one point!

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