Zombie Apocalypse Party

It was a miserable wet day yesterday, and I spent it running around doing errands – groceries, doing things for Mum etc. Blah, blah, blah… and we had the Zombie Apocalypse party to go to, and I REALLY didn’t feel like going, let along getting all gussied up in costume. But it was BartMan’s farewell, and Humbibble’s birthday, and DrNick, Flip and MrC were up from Canberra and we told everyone we would be there. So I dragged my sorry arse to the party…

Big Sal was babysitting Angel for us, which she has been doing a bit of lately – at least there is an upside to her being up the duff and not wanting to go out partying with us! When we arrived at the party, the first thing I noticed is that Flip wasn’t there. Jimbo was there and he too didn’t feel like going out at first, the both of us only made the effort for the same reason – so that Flip wouldn’t get the shits on with us for not turning up!!! Nevermind. Hubby wasn’t in a partying mood, so he took off home rather early again, I dont think he even made it to 10pm!

I decided to stay on and have a few drinks with Dr Nick and Jimbo. A lot of people had gone to quite a bit of effort on the whole zombie theme, and there was fake blood everywhere, stupidly I had worn a nice white top, which, the drunker I got, the bloodier it got! I had a Jimbo handprint on my boob, a Bart handprint on my arse, and LuckyPhil rubbed his face in my cleavage,leaving a bloody face print in the middle of my shirt! It was ruined I tell you!!! Myself and Chappy got stuck into the sparkly, and by the time DarkMan arrived (already half cut on scotch) I am please to report all good judgement was out the window! I ended up outside a couple of times smoking with DarkMan, Jimbo and Gus…. I think… :S I haven’t smoked in nigh on 8 years, so that was kinda interesting. We were all absolutely wasted! I blame the DarkMan, he’s a BAD influence. I ended up having a great night, spent a lot of time talking 😉 with Dr Nick which was cool, I realise I didn’t really know him very well, even though I spent a week in the same house with him last October!

Next thing I knew it was well past 3am, (Jimbo the other reluctant party-tart was still there too!) and I have vague recollections of trying to locate my handbag and some money to get home in a cab, only to realise that I had left it in the car and Hubby had driven off with it! Someone (have to figure out who) gave me some cash to get home, and Dr Nick came with me as there was no where really to crash at Blokenstein. So even though originally I didn’t want to go, and was annoyed when Flip wasn’t there, I had an absolute ball of a time. We need more nights like this, talking with friends, having a few drinks, a few laughs, staying out late, smoking God only knows what…. gotta love it.

Right about now, we are supposed to be at the KotN tourney… but DrNick is snoozing, and the way my head feels, there is no way on this planet you could con me into getting into garb and poncing around in a park this afternoon 🙂

Have made a new rule – Rule No 1: Don’t party with the DarkMan!!!

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