
Hubby vacated the premises during the week, in order that I might have some time to myself to get my head together. So far we have managed to avoid telling most people about this, as I dont think they would understand. (Given the reaming that I have been receiving from my family over the past few weeks, I think that is probable). And I dont care to spend the time and energy explaining ourselves to people in order that they do understand. We have, what I think is a very special and unique relationship, which not everyone can get their head around. Just because we may choose to spend time apart, or with other people, or pursuing individual interests, doesn’t mean we are experiencing difficulties. If anything, Hubby giving me some space is a mark of his absolute trust in me, and his certainty that our relationship is solid. I am glad that he understands that my wanting time to myself doesn’t mean I am unhappy with him, or us.

It has been strange being in the house on my own, but not so strange as this weekend turned out to be.

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