The Bride wore red and half of Austria.

Went to a wedding yesterday, which started rather too early for a formal function 10am, and predictably,  we found ourselves sitting around drinking with no food in sight while the Bridal Party went traipsing off for photos!  It seems to be a common theme with weddings these days where the grog starts before the food?  I think it’s a deliberate ploy to get all the guests drunk enough so they can pretend to care about what Great Uncle Charlie has to say about little Jenny when she used to follow him around carrying his yabby bucket out fishing.

But the wedding was great fun – the Bride looked her absolute best, the Groom was suitably smitten and appreciative that he had won the good favour of his blushing lady, and the Best Man was eloquent and amusing without being too sleazy ๐Ÿ™‚  So many variables that can go totally pear shaped  – so It’s a hard ask.  

After the wedding, we all came back home and got smashed on champagne stolen from the wedding and  Shikoku Ice Teas… which go down way too easy and before I knew it, we’d had way too much vodka.   There was much jocularity, a rather amusing conversation about my door stop, words of the week issued all round (‘loquacious’ for Eryn, ‘defenestrate’ for the Humbibble, ‘profligate’ for the strange guy at the end of the table that I’d never seen before, and ‘salacious’ for Foxy Roxy), a confused and sober Southerner and late night dodgy pizza.  Good fun.

Though who ever it was who left their mobile phone outside my bedroom door that went off twice at 0600 is on my list this morning.  ๐Ÿ˜

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